Something of an experiment and likely exercise in trust, this is a collection of RPGs available to members of ORC Edinburgh and the RolePlay Haven, and perhaps others.
We’re still working through the specifics so there will be a delay while we get it up and running. Interested in using these? Please use the Contact ORC option!
Book | System |
13th Age | 13th Age |
13th Age Glorantha | 13th Age, Runequest |
2300AD | |
3:16 Carnage Among the Stars | |
A/state | |
Accursed | Savage Worlds |
Achtung! Cthulhu Forest of Fear Campaign | 2d20, Achtung! Cthulhu |
Achtung! Cthulhu Gamesmaster’s Guide | 2d20, Achtung! Cthulhu |
Achtung! Cthulhu Player’s Guide | 2d20, Achtung! Cthulhu |
Achtung! Cthulhu Shadows of Atlantis Campaign | 2d20, Achtung! Cthulhu |
Aetaltis: Defenders of Dunbury Castle | Aetaltis, 5e |
Aetaltis: Gamemaster’s Guide | Aetaltis, 5e |
Aetaltis: Heroes of Thornwall | Aetaltis, 5e |
Aetaltis: Player’s Guide | Aetaltis, 5e |
Aetaltis: World of Aetaltis | Aetaltis, 5e |
Agents of Concordia RPG | |
Alien Core RPG | Alien, Free League |
All Flesh Must Be Eaten | |
All Flesh Must Be Eaten: One of the Living | All Flesh Must Be Eaten |
Amazing Adventures | |
Amazing Engine: Magitech | Urban Fantasy |
Band of Blades | Fantasy |
Basic Roleplaying System | BRP |
Battlestar Galactica RPG | |
Be Seeing You | |
Black Hack 2.0 | |
Black Sword Hack | |
Black Void | |
Blades in the Dark | Fantasy |
Blue Planet Ancient Echoes | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Blue Planet Fluid Mechanics | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Blue Planet Frontier Justice | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Blue Planet Moderator’s Guide | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Blue Planet Natural Selection | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Blue Planet Player’s Guide | Blue Planet, Sci-fi |
Burning Wheel RPG | |
Call of Cthulhu: Secrets of Japan Sourcebook | Call of Cthulhu |
Call of Cthulhu: Sun Spots Campaign | Call of Cthulhu |
Changeling the Lost | WOD |
Changing Breeds | WOD |
Children of Future Earth | BRP |
City of Mist Players Guide | City of Mists |
Continuum | |
Coyote & Crow Core Rulebook | |
Cthulhu Hack | |
Cthulhu Hack Boxed Set | |
Cthulhutech: Ancient Enemies | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Burning Horizons | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Core Rulebook | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Damnation View | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Dark Passions | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Mortal Remains | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Unveiled Threats | Cthulhutech |
Cthulhutech: Vade Mecum | Cthulhutech |
Cyberpunk RPG | Cyberpunk |
Cyberpunk Firestorm Stormfront – the 4th Corporate War | Cyberpunk |
Cyberpunk: Chrome Compilation A | Cyberpunk |
Cyberpunk: Tales from the Forlorn Hope | Cyberpunk |
D&D 5e DM Screen | D&D |
D&D 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide | D&D |
D&D 5e Monstrous Manual | D&D |
D&D 5e Player’s Handbook x2 | D&D |
D&D Starter Set: Lost Mines of Phandelver | D&D, Starter Set |
D&D Starter Set: Stormwreck Isle | D&D, Starter Set |
Dark Streets | Call of Cthulhu, Victorian |
Delta Green: Black Sites | Delta Green |
Dee Sanction Essentials Boxed Set | |
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG | |
Dreams & Machines Starter Set x2 | 2D20 |
Dystopia Rising | |
Earthdawn GM’s Guide (3e) | Fantasy |
Earthdawn GM’s Guide (4e) | Fantasy |
Eternal Lies | Gumshoe |
Everlasting Book of the Spirits | |
Exalted 2nd Ed. RPG | |
Fading Suns: Spies and Revolutionaries | |
Fae Noir | |
Fall of Delta Green | Delta Green |
Farscape RPG Core Rules | |
Feng Shui | |
Flames of Freedom RPG | |
Geist: Sin-eater | Geist, WOD |
Ghost Stories | WOD |
Hellboy RPG | 5e |
Hellcats & Hockeysticks | |
Hero System | Superhero |
Hillfolk | |
HP Lovecraft’s Prep Academy | School, Cthulhu |
Hudson & Brand | Call of Cthulhu, Victorian |
Hunter: The Vigil | WOD |
Infinity Corebook | 2d20, Infinity |
Judge Dredd RPG | D20, Judge Dredd |
Judge Dredd RPG | WOIN, Judge Dredd |
Judge Dredd: The Robot Wars Campaign | WOIN, Judge Dredd |
Kult: Taroticum & Other Tales | Kult |
Legend of the Five Rings 3e Core | Legend of the Five Rings |
Legend of the Five Rings: Burning Sands | Legend of the Five Rings |
Liminal | Urban Fantasy, Fae |
Lone Wolf RPG | |
Lone Wolf: The Darklands | |
Lowlife: Rise of the Lowly | Savage Worlds |
Marvel Multiverse RPG (Playtest Ed.) | |
Masks: A New Generation | Superhero |
Metamorphosis Alpha RPG | |
Maskwitches of Forgotten Doggerland | |
Minions | |
Molotov College | |
Mork Borg | |
Mythras Core Rules | |
N.O.W Modern Action RPG | |
Nibiru Core Rulebook | |
Night’s Black Agents | Night’s Black Agents |
Night’s Black Agents: Dracula Dossier Director’s Handbook | Night’s Black Agents |
Nightbane RPG | |
Nightbane RPG: Through the Glass Darkly | |
O.L.D Fantasy RPG | |
Outbreak: Deep Space | |
Paleomythic | |
Paranoia: Flashback Redux XP | |
Paranoia: Red Clearance | |
Pathfinder 1e Advanced Player’s Guide | Pathfinder |
Pathfinder 1e Bestiary | Pathfinder |
Pathfinder 1e Core Rulebook | Pathfinder |
Quest | |
Reign: A Game of Lords & Leaders | |
Ruby: Worlds Beyond Dream | |
Savage Worlds Explorer Edition | Pulp, Generic |
Scion: Companion | Scion |
Scion: God | Scion |
Scion: Hero | Scion |
Shadow of the Century | FATE, Superhero |
Shadowrun 4th Edition Core | |
Shadows over Scotland Campaign | Call of Cthulhu |
SLA Industries Core Rules | |
SLA Industries 2nd Edition | S5S, SLA Industries |
SLA Threat Analysis 1: Collateral | S5S, SLA Industries |
Slipstream (Savage Worlds) | Sci-fi |
Spycraft Core RPG | Spycraft |
Spycraft: Archer Campaign | Spycraft |
Spycraft: World on Fire | Spycraft |
Star Trek Adventures | 2d20, Star Trek |
StokerVerse | S5S |
StokerVerse Quickstart | StokerVerse |
Swashbuckling Adventures: Cathay | d20 |
Sword of the Serpentine | Gumshoe |
Symbaroum Core Rulebook | |
Tales from the Flood | Tales from the Flood, Free League |
Tales from the Loop | Tales from the Loop, Free League |
Tales from the Loop: Out of Time | Tales from the Loop, Free League |
Tales of Gargenthir RPG | |
Talisman Adventures RPG | |
Terminator RPG | S5S |
Terminator RPG: Campaign Guide | S5S, Terminator RPG |
The One Ring | Fantasy, Classic |
The Spy Game | 5e |
The Void | Sci-fi, Horror, Cthulhu |
They Came From Beneath The Sea RPG | |
Those Dark Places | Sci-fi, Horror |
Torchbearer | Burning Wheel, Mouse Guard |
Torg Core Rules | |
Trail of Cthulhu RPG | Trail of Cthulhu |
Trail of Cthulhu: Hideous Creatures | Trail of Cthulhu |
Traveller: Marches Adventure 1: High & Dry | Traveller |
Unknown Armies: Break Today | Unknown Armies |
Unknown Armies: Post Modern Majick | Unknown Armies |
Unknown Armies: Weep Scenarios | Unknown Armies |
Vampire Dark Ages: Core Rulebook | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire Dark Ages: Ashen Knight | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire Dark Ages: Ashen Thief | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire Dark Ages: Libellus Sanguinus – Keepers of the Word | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire Dark Ages: Libellus Sanguinus – Masters of the State | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire Dark Ages: Libellus Sanguinus – Thieves in the Night | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire The Masquerade: Time of Judgement | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire The Masquerade: Victorian Age Vampire | Vampire, WOD |
Vampire The Requiem | Vampire, NWOD |
Victorious | |
Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch RPG | WH40K |
Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader: Into the Storm | WH40K |
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core 1e | WFRP |
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e Starter Set | WFRP |
Weird War Cthulhu: Cold War | Call of Cthulhu |
Werewolf The Forsaken | Werewolf, NWOD |
Wild Talents | Superhero |
Wild Talents: This Favoured Land | Superhero |
World of Darkness Core Rulebook | WOD |
Xanadu Core Rulebook | Nibiru |
Yellow King | Gumshoe |
Yggdrasil |